One Wonderful JobZenithBefore I assumed my new duties at Voice of America in August 1991, Diana and I took a brief vacation in her Wyoming homeland. While we were there, reactionary elements in Moscow tried to oust Mikhail Gorbachev, who was on … Continued |
Going BackBeholding the West Wing from Pennsylvania Avenue, I thought, for the first time since 1983, not that “I used to work there” but that “I’m going back.” Ross Starek joined me in the West Lobby, after which we were escorted … Continued |
Cadwallader CuticleInside Reagan's NavyMy car took me to the officers club at Bethesda for a dinner for the department heads of all naval hospitals. In my remarks, I spoke of Cadwallader Cuticle, the sawbones surgeon aboard USS Neversink in Melville’s White Jacket: Surrounded by moans … Continued |
Aboard the USS ConstitutionInside Reagan's NavyOn this day, the restored Statue of Liberty was rededicated by President Reagan in a gala event that featured an in-gathering of naval vessels from around the world, many of them full-rigged “tall ships.” I could have gone but jumped … Continued |
Speaking to the National Naval Officers Association in MemphisInside Reagan's NavyI began by saying that I had “shaky knees at being with so many senior officers. I’m not talking about General Maloney or Admiral Austin. You have to remember that I am a retired JG [lieutenant (junior grade)], so I’m … Continued |